Untamed Aotearoa

#2 Born again Maori wāhine & keen hunter - Tui Mārama

Episode Summary

Tui Mārama is an inspiring wāhine from Gisborne who’s doing a lot of amazing mahi for her community. Less than three years ago, she went hunting for the first time and hasn’t looked back. In this episode Tui talks about how a chance encounter led to her TV show ‘Hunting with Tui’. We talk about her reconnecting to her whakapapa (roots), her perspectives on wairua (spirit) and the link between Whanaungatanga (togetherness) and the outdoors. She sees the outdoors, especially hunting and gathering, as an opportunity to help build up the mana of people in Aotearoa. Tui grew up in Christchurch, and it wasn’t until she was a young adult that she returned to her mother's whakapapa on the East Cape. She has worked in both the Navy and the police force, recently transitioning into a role as an iwi representative (working in a partnership between local iwi and the police), focusing on supporting families who are working through the challenges of family harm. Kapai, Tui. You’re doing some amazing mahi!

Episode Notes

Tui Mārama is an inspiring wāhine from Gisborne who’s doing a lot of amazing mahi for her community.

Less than three years ago, she went hunting for the first time and hasn’t looked back. In this episode Tui talks about how a chance encounter led to her TV show ‘Hunting with Tui’. We talk about her reconnecting to her whakapapa (roots), her perspectives on wairua (spirit) and the link between Whanaungatanga (togetherness) and the outdoors.

She sees the outdoors, especially hunting and gathering, as an opportunity to help build up the mana of people in Aotearoa. Tui grew up in Christchurch, and it wasn’t until she was a young adult that she returned to her mother's whakapapa on the East Cape.

She has worked in both the Navy and the police force, recently transitioning into a role as an iwi representative (working in a partnership between local iwi and the police), focusing on supporting families who are working through the challenges of family harm.

Kapai, Tui. You’re doing some amazing mahi! 

Music: Hope Social Club

Links to check out: